Enjoy the following amenities with guests when you visit Snow Lake Lodge. If there is something you don't see listed that you'd like pre-arranged for your stay, give us a call and we'd be happy to accommodate your request in advance of your arrival.
Wifi in all areas
Smoke-free property
Heated outdoor pool & hot tub
Lounge area
BBQ and picnic areas
Coin operated laundry facility
Pool towels
Resort Front Office Hours: Sun-Thurs 9:00am -7:00pm; Friday 9:00am-11:00pm; Saturday 9:00am-9:00pm

BBQ Area
Gather around the grill with friends and family to enjoy our covered BBQ/Picnic Area. Please see the front desk for cooking utensils and equipment.
Laundry Facilities
We have laundry facilities open for guest use located behind the lodge office. Enjoy your time in Big Bear Lake and don’t worry about doing your laundry when you get home.